Tuesday 14 February 2012

Business System Efficiency Review

As business systems experts we know where efficiencies are likely to be found. By systematically reviewing your current set-up we can identify any aspect of the system that is not working as it should, identify what may be missing to enable your business processes to work most efficiently, and carefully review the benefits you can achieve.

We are able to review the various software components within an organisation, e.g. accounting, reporting, warehousing, manufacturing etc., and can identify improvements that will make a positive difference to your business.

If you would like to arrange a comprehensive review your business system set-up please contact us to arrange an on-line or on-site appointment.

The first meeting and a business efficiency review report is provided free of charge - it's then up to you to decide to take up the efficiency suggestions we provide you with or not.  If you are keen to proceed with any of the suggestions made we can provide you with a specific quotation for the efficiencies recomended.

You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

QuickBooks Enterprise Shortcuts

When you're working in your accounting system you need to move about quickly and with ease. Here are some of our favourite keyboard shortcuts for getting things done quickly!...

Navigating Dates
  • Move dates forward or backwards one day at a time – Use the Plus (+) or Minus (-) keys.
  • Go straight to the beginning or end of the week – Use the W key for the first of the Week and the K key for the last day of the weeK.
  • Go straight to the beginning or end of the month – Use the M key for the first day of the Month and the H key for the last day of the montH.
  • Go straight to the beginning or end of the year – Use the Y key for the first day of the Year and the R key for the last day of the yeaR
  • Go straight to Today’s Date – Use the T key.

Performing Calculations in Amount Fields

Any amount field within QuickBooks is armed with a complete calculator. To enable the function, just start typing in the calculation you want to perform within the field. Addition uses the plus key (+), subtraction uses the minus key (-), multiplication uses the star key (*), and division uses the slash key (/).

Working with transactions
  • Open the Write Checks Window – Use Ctrl-W.
  • Enter a New Transaction – Use Ctrl-N when in the Invoice, Bill, or other transaction forms.
  • Delete Line from Transaction – Use Ctrl+Del.
  • Insert Line into Transaction – Use Ctrl+Insert.
  • Delete Entire Transaction – Use Ctrl-D
  • Close active window – Use the Esc key.
  • Find a transaction – Use Ctrl-F
  • View History or Linked Transactions – Use Ctrl-H

Other Helpful Shortcuts
  • Open Chart of Accounts – Use Ctrl-A
  • Print – Ctrl-P
  • Open Help – Use F1 key.
  • Undo Changes made – Ctrl-Z.
Once again QuickBooks Enterprise UK proves how easy it is to use.

To find out more shortcuts search 'keyboard shortcuts' in the help section within QuickBooks Enterprise or visit http://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/pages/inproducthelp/core/qb2k12/contentpackage/core/miscellaneous/info_keyboard_shortcuts.html